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I want to report a sick leave (for Swedish people)
I want to report a sick leave (for Swedish people)
Updated over a week ago

In the unfortunate event of getting sick, you may be entitled to sick pay according to the Sick Pay Act (Lag (1991:1047) om sjuklön), provided that some requirements are met. Gigapay's responsibility as an employer is to comply with the Sick Pay Act and pay out compensation in the event of illness as prescribed by the law.

You may be entitled to sick pay during the first 14 days provided the following conditions are met:

  • You need to be self-employed (”egenanställd”) through Gigapay in Sweden.

  • Sick pay is only processed for the days and hours you would have worked via Gigapay.

  • You must have worked continuously for 14 days prior to the illness (qualifying period). This applies to employment shorter than one month: Employment is counted together provided that the gap between two working dates is not greater than 14 days.

  • Evidence that work was agreed upon before you fell ill, such as emails, text messages, timesheets, or assignment contracts.

  • You are required to share a medical certificate proving that you were sick. This has to be done from day 1.

Please note that you are not entitled to sick pay if the requirements are not met. Gigapay will assess on a case-by-case basis whether you are entitled to sick pay or not.

The process step by step

Step 1 - You should inform the Client and Gigapay

When you are sick, you should inform both the client and Gigapay that you will not be able to work on the scheduled date. It should be done as soon as possible. The preferred way of doing this is to submit the form on Gigapay’s website. You may also send us an email at

Step 2 - Send a medical certificate

Along with the form, you are required to send a medical certificate to Gigapay in order to justify your sickness. This has to be done from day 1.

Step 3 - Verification of which days you were scheduled to work

It is necessary to verify on which day(s) you were scheduled to work as you are only entitled to receive sick pay for the days when you were planning to work. You will be required to provide proof of which days you were scheduled to work. Gigapay may also contact the Client to verify the information.

Example: You fell ill on Monday and were also scheduled to work on Wednesday and Friday.

If you had no other scheduled assignments, you are not entitled to any sick pay (apart from the day you were ill).

Step 4 - Submit the form

We have added a form on our website where you can add details about your sick leave. This form should be submitted to us as soon as possible. You may find the form here. Gigapay may contact you or the Client to receive more information.

Please note that the Client is always responsible to cover the costs for sick pay to the Users who undertake assignments for the Client. This includes similar costs arising in conjunction with the sick pay including but not limited to rehabilitation costs. This entails that the sick pay will only be paid out after the Client has paid out the sum to Gigapay.

Want to know more?

You may read more about your rights as a self-employed worker in Sweden on the website of Försäkringskassan and in our Terms and Conditions.

You might also need to get your employer certificate ("arbetsgivarintyg"). You can fill out this form which will help us create an employer certificate for you.
You will receive an email when the employer certificate is ready.

To submit the form, please click the link below:

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